10 Cooking Mistakes We Often Make Without Noticing

Are you more of a skilled cook, or more like the kind of person who blames the stove when things go wrong? If you chose the second option, you should know that you are not alone. Often, habit, speed, or even some myths that we have believed when it comes to preparing something, makes your dishes not as tasty as you expected. But since at Bright Side we’re really […]

12 Common Cooking Mistakes That May Ruin Your Best Recipe

You decided to cook an exquisite dish, you followed the instructions strictly, keeping all the proportions correct according to the recipe…but the result is a million miles away from your expectations. Does this sound familiar? We’re sure that all of us have faced this situation at one time or another. So what’s the deal? We at Bright Side have decided to go through some common cooking mistakes that may ruin […]