10 Cooking Mistakes We Often Make Without Noticing

Are you more of a skilled cook, or more like the kind of person who blames the stove when things go wrong? If you chose the second option, you should know that you are not alone. Often, habit, speed, or even some myths that we have believed when it comes to preparing something, makes your dishes not as tasty as you expected. But since at Bright Side we’re really […]

7+ Easy Meal Ideas & Recipes for One Person

Even though cooking for one can be challenging, the best meals more often only call for a few simple ingredients and little effort. Thus, if you think you’re hopeless at cooking, try drawing inspiration from some recipes for one person that even our favorite celebrities have tried and nailed. 1. Breakfast with avocado toast, egg, and tomato This easy meal for one person is excellent for […]

8 Recommended Cookbooks on Amazon That’ll Help You Say Goodbye to Boring Recipes

The earliest known written recipes have been found as long ago as 1730 B.C. So even back then, people were saving great recipes to create (and recreate) the perfect meal. Cooking techniques have changed significantly throughout the years, but recipe books will always be useful. They increase your ability to make and save recipes, making cooking more enjoyable for everyone. Here are 8 cookbooks that […]

I Followed Jamie Oliver’s Recipes for a Week, and My Life Has Changed Completely

Hi everyone! My name is Natalie, and I’m interested in cooking. I love making all sorts of meals at home, and I also enjoy watching famous chefs, like Jamie Oliver, create their masterpieces. But I’d never tried to recreate his dishes, thinking I wasn’t good enough. So, I decided to do an experiment, and for one week, cook one meal a day, using the recipes from Jamie Oliver. Every meal had just […]

12 Common Cooking Mistakes That May Ruin Your Best Recipe

You decided to cook an exquisite dish, you followed the instructions strictly, keeping all the proportions correct according to the recipe…but the result is a million miles away from your expectations. Does this sound familiar? We’re sure that all of us have faced this situation at one time or another. So what’s the deal? We at Bright Side have decided to go through some common cooking mistakes that may ruin […]