Should You Cook Your Chicken Upside Down?

My first attempt at roasting chicken didn’t turn out well—I rinsed the bird in the sink and oiled and seasoned it while it was still wet. The result was less than ideal. Then I got my first cookbook, Appetite by Nigel Slater, which is praised for its straightforward and comforting recipes. It taught me how […]

The 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking Chicken Breast, According to a Food Expert

Many cooks might prefer chicken thighs over breasts, often citing the latter’s tendency to be dry or bland. However, with proper preparation and cooking techniques, chicken breasts can be just as juicy and flavorful. By following some key steps and paying attention during cooking, you can achieve tender and delicious chicken breasts. I’ve gathered insights […]

Here’s How to Reduce the Saltiness in Your Food

Picture this: you’ve spent the afternoon carefully preparing a stew, and everything is set for a wonderful dinner with friends and family. As you taste the stew before serving, you discover it’s saltier than expected. Whether you over-seasoned, used salted instead of unsalted butter, or picked the wrong kind of salt, there are ways to […]

5 Delicious Lasagna Recipes Perfect for Winter

Lasagna is the perfect dish for lunch or dinner during the cold season — it’s hearty, tasty and very satisfying. For preparation, you need quite a bit of time and ingredients. Bright Side wants to share unique recipes for the most delicious lasagnas, which are not difficult to cook at home. Potato Lasagna You will […]

7 Common Meals We Often Misprepare or Misunderstand

For the chefs that really care about their meals, it may be shocking to see how people treat their food. Of course, nobody has the right to tell someone how to eat a certain meal but in some cases, it’s impossible to remain silent. We at Bright Side don’t think that every visitor of a restaurant has to read a manual before eating a meal. But we decided to find out more about the […]